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Belinda Bauer books in order

Looking for Belinda Bauer’s books in order? Look no further!

Winning the Crime Writers’ Association’s coveted Golden Dagger award for the best crime novel for her debut Blacklands, Belinda Bauer went on to be longlisted for the Man Booker Prize for Snap and win the Association’s Dagger in the Library for her admirable body of work.

Bauer’s writing is, for the most part, about young people involved in a crime. All her standalone stories are character driven and emotionally charged and she often subverts the genre, making for unique and compelling reads.

With every novel as gripping as the last, pick up any Bauer story and you won’t want to put it down.

Here are all Belinda Bauer books in order of publication.

Belinda Bauer books in order:

Blacklands by Belinda Bauer

1. Blacklands (2009)

Every day after school, whilst his classmates swap football stickers, twelve-year-old Steven digs holes on Exmoor, hoping to find a body. His uncle disappeared aged eleven and is assumed to have fallen victim to the notorious serial killer Arnold Avery – but his body has never been found.

Steven’s Nan does not believe her son is dead. She still waits for him to come home, standing bitter guard at the front window while her family fragments around her. Steven is determined to heal the widening cracks between them before it’s too late – even if that means presenting his grandmother with the bones of her murdered son.

So Steven takes the next logical step, carefully crafting a letter to Arnold Avery in prison. And there begins a dangerous cat-and-mouse game between a desperate child and a bored psychopath…

Darkside by Belinda Bauer

2. Darkside (2010)

In a small village where no stranger goes unnoticed, a local woman has been murdered in her bed.

This is PC Jonas Holly’s first murder investigation. But he is distracted by anonymous messages that seem to come from the killer…

Is Jonas going to be able to solve the crime, whilst being taunted by a psychopath?

Finders Keepers by Belinda Bauer

3. Finders Keepers (2012)

At the height of summer a dark shadow falls across Exmoor. Children are being stolen.

There are no explanations, no ransom demands – and no hope.

Policeman Jonas Holly faces a precarious journey into the warped mind of the kidnapper if he is to find them. But there are some who would say that Jonas is the last man to entrust with this job…

Rubbernecker by Belinda Bauer

4. Rubbernecker (2013)

Life is strange for Patrick Fort – being a medical student with Asperger’s Syndrome doesn’t come without its challenges. And that’s before he is faced with solving a possible murder.

Because the body Patrick is examining in anatomy class is trying to tell him all kinds of things. And now he must stay out of danger long enough to unravel the mystery – while he dissects his own evidence…

The Facts of Life and Death by Belinda Bauer

5. The Facts of Life and Death (2014)

On the beaches and cliffs of North Devon, young women have become victims in a terrifying game where only one player knows the rules. And when those rules change, the new game is Murder.

But a madman on the loose feels very far from the crumbling, seaside home of ten-year-old Ruby Trick. Instead she lives in constant fear of school bullies, the dark forest, and the threat of her parents’ divorce.

Helping her father to catch the killer seems like the only way to keep him close. As long as the killer doesn’t catch her first.

The Shut Eye by Belinda Bauer

6. The Shut Eye (2015)

Yesterday they were a family just like any other: Anna and James, and their little boy, Daniel. But in one careless moment everything changed. A front door accidentally left ajar… and Daniel was gone.

Now they are a pair of strangers who can’t even look each other in the eye. Distrust and unspoken words fill the void where their son used to be.

Anna will go to any lengths to find Daniel – a four-year-old doesn’t just vanish into thin air. But how far will this desperate search push her? Right to the brink – and beyond.

The Beautiful Dead by Belinda Bauer

7. The Beautiful Dead (2016)

Eve Singer makes her living from death. As a TV crime reporter, she’ll go to any length to get the latest scoop.

But when a twisted serial killer starts using her to gain the publicity he craves, Eve must decide how far she’s willing to go – and how close she’ll let him get…

Snap by Belinda Bauer

8. Snap (2018)

On a stifling summer’s day, eleven-year-old Jack and his two sisters sit in their broken-down car, waiting for their mother to come back and rescue them. Jack’s in charge, she’d said. I won’t be long.

But she doesn’t come back. She never comes back. And life as the children know it is changed for ever.

Three years later, Jack is still in charge – of his sisters, of supporting them all, of making sure nobody knows they’re alone in the house, and – quite suddenly – of finding out the truth about what happened to his mother…

Exit by Belinda Bauer

9. Exit (2021)

When Felix lets himself in to Number 3 Black Lane, he’s there to perform an act of charity: to keep a dying man company as he takes his final breath…

But just fifteen minutes later Felix is on the run from the police – after making the biggest mistake of his life.

Now his world is turned upside down as he must find out if he’s really to blame, or if something much more sinister is at play. All while staying one shaky step ahead of the law.

The Impossible Thing by Belinda Bauer

10. The Impossible Thing (January 2025)

Belinda’s hotly anticipated next book is coming in January 2025!

There you have it – all Belinda Bauer books in order of publication! How many have you read? Let us know in the comments below…

Books Like Belinda Bauer:


    I found ‘Exit’ left on a train seat.I read it and was so pleased with it i looked for others by Beinda Bauer.I have now completed reading them all and what a joy that was. Thank you.
    Looking forward to the next book.

    I keep looking for her latest novel…
    Can’t wait

    Avidly waiting for a new opus. I’ve introduced Ms. Bauer to my bookclub (presented Snap) and am continuing to expand her fan base here in Canada.

    I’ve read all your books, now I’m now I’m suffering withdrawal symptoms. Please, please give me more

    Please please another book. Every one of Ms Bauer’s books has been perfection.

    I loved all of these books. Read one then had to buy all of them and have just finished them. I feel fed up I have finished them. Excellent author who draws you into her characters especially her children and flawed adults.

    All her books are so well written. Not only the plots but also the characters. And the humour! I hope she keeps on writing….

    I love this author! Please someone buy the film rights.
    Another book please Belinda!

    I have read 4 books so far, they are ‘unputdownable’ with well drawn characters which you really care about, even those who are less than sympathetic.

    I’ve read six of them and I must say that they’re all good. Favourites of mine are Rubbernecker and Exit. This latest novel by Bauer was for me an almost perfect story with its excellent black humour and surprising twists and turns.

    I LOVE to read but i struggle to find a really good author … until now!. I have unfortunately just finished EXIT after enjoying every single one of Belinda Bauer’s books. They have all been utterly riveting with an unexpected surprise at the end of each story. First class each one! Thank you Belinda

    I’ve read ALL Ms. Bauer’s books except Exit which I plan on purchasing now.

    Belinda Bauer is one if those authors whose books I automatically buy as soon as they are released.

    Just finished ‘Snap.’ After this, I am looking for more of Miss Bauer’s books!

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