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Adnan Syed granted a new trial

Calling all Serial fans! We can confirm that the post-conviction ruling result is in and Adnan Syed has been granted a new trial. Adnan’s lawyer is now trying to have him released from prison while he awaits retrial.

Now is your chance to return to Leakin Park and to the case that never sleeps. It’s time to hear from the defendant himself. This is Adnan’s Story. With never before seen letters and new evidence, make sure you don’t miss out on pre-ordering your copy of Adnan’s Story by Rabia Chaudry.

The Story:

Adnan's Story by Rabia Chaudry‘The first letter I received after being arrested in 1999 was from Rabia. Since that time until now, she has believed in my innocence and been committed to my exoneration. . . . [T]here is no one better to help tell my story, and no one that I trust more to tell it, than Rabia.’ – Adnan Syed

Sixteen years ago, Adnan Syed was sentenced to life plus thirty years for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, a high school senior in Baltimore. From the moment of his arrest, Syed has consistently maintained his innocence. By 2013, however, after almost all appeals had been exhausted, things looked bleak. That’s when Rabia Chaudry, a family friend, contacted Sarah Koenig. Koenig’s investigation turned into the international phenomenon Serial.

Adnan’s Story will re-examine the investigation that led to Adnan Syed’s arrest, share his life in prison, cover new evidence and review the recent court successes – including a ruling by a Maryland judge to reopen the case. Woven with personal reflections from Adnan himself, including never-before-seen letters he penned from prison, the book offers new insight into the story that captivated the imagination of millions.

What has grabbed the public attention about Adnan’s story are the layers of contradictions, fascinating characters, and fog of ambiguity around what really happened on that day in 1999. But this is not just a personal story; it is the story of a thoroughly broken system and how the power of the media and the public can bring about justice for those who need it.

Adnan’s Story is published by Century on 11th August 2016. Find out more here.

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