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First Look: Broadchurch series 2

Today ITV revealed the new trailer for Broadchurch series 2 with the help of fans on Twitter.

After the popularity of series 1, the critically acclaimed award-winning drama series is returning on 5th January at 9pm with David Tennant as DI Alec Hardy and Olivia Colman as DS Ellie Miller.

Broadchurch series 2 will feature faces both old and new: Jodie Whittaker, Andrew Buchan and Arthur Darvill are all returning, while Charlotte Rampling, Marianne Jean-Baptiste and James D’Arcy are joining the Broadchurch family for the first time. Details about the plot are being guarded very carefully.

Fans were encouraged to tweet using the hashtag #BroadchurchReturns to reveal more of an image of the Dorset beach. When the entire beach became visible, the trailer would be unveiled.

Over eight hours later, the trailer for Broadchurch series 2 is finally here. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Don’t miss our pick of the best Netflix shows and gripping books perfect for Broadchurch fans.


    Difficulty hearing dialogue–resorting to sub-titles which is distracting.Will persevere if I can follow what’s going on.

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