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‘In the dock’ with author Andy McNab

Ex-SAS legend and best-selling author Andy McNab is in our dock this week – talking exclusively to Dead Good about his inspiration, gritty locations and sticky buns!


Andy, please tell us about your new book?

Silencer is the new Nick Stone thriller. He’s having as hard a time as ever, drug cartels, organ smuggling, faces from the past with scores to settle. And a girlfriend giving him grief too!

Who or what was the inspiration for Nick Stone?

I always say that the good bits are me, but none of the bad bits, but in reality its lots of me and lads I’ve worked with, but as the series has developed Nick has kind of become his own man.

The gritty realism of your novels is emphasized through your choice of location. How important is a sense of place to your writing?

Hugely important. I write about what I know – the places I’ve worked, the situations I’ve found myself in. Silencer, for example, was heavily influenced by the work I did in South America, working on a CIA anti-narcotics operation called First Strike. I have been lucky enough to work all over the world, and it has given me plenty of locations to use.

Does your writing ever scare you?


Where do you write your novels?

All over the place, I don’t mind really, hotel rooms, planes, trains, cafes, wherever I find myself. Obviously I do have an office, I just don’t find that I’m there enough!

Which crime fiction related book, TV programme or film have had the most impact on you or your writing?

It’s not crime related, but the one book that really helped me start writing was Touching the Void, by Joe Simpson. It gave me an understanding of how important a sense of place was.

What is your favourite scene or line from any crime fiction book?

“I understand, gentlemen,” John Kennedy said. “If you find that life it’s not easy, let me tell you, death is worse.”
– Pierre Marshesso, Double Life: The JFK Assassinations

What tip would you give any budding writers?

Just write it down. Its much easier to go back and change it once its already on the screen.

Ebook or paper?

There’s a place for both.

If you were a fictional character, how would you write your own death?

Old age. Clearly I’d be the all action hero who survived everything!

…and what would your final meal be?

A brew and a sticky bun.

A big thank you to Andy McNab for answering our questions! Find out more about McNab on his official website.

Read the book:

1 Comment

    The book was very good, but when are you going to be writing any new books ?
    Are you hanging up your writing skills now ?
    Has you ‘Nick Stone’ reached the end of his life now ?
    There was a time you could produce a couple of books a year, but now its just re-issues that are coming out, dont you think you are cheating your fans and readers now ?

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