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Karin Slaughter’s Top 5 TV Dramas

As we’ve recently seen from our Top Ten Foreign TV Shows post everyone has a different spin on what makes an excellent crime drama, even best-selling authors.

Whether they’re funny, sharp, brutal, bleak or make for intensely uncomfortable viewing we all have opinions on what makes our viewing time a heaven or hell. Authors are no different and have a unique vantage point as creators within the genre. Dead Good asked crime writing legend Karin Slaughter about her top five crime dramas.

The Americans

Married, undercover Russian spies living in America in the 1980s – what’s not to love? The wife (Keri Russell) has gotten a lot of backlash for being a cold fish, but to me she’s the most intriguing character.


I can only say ‘thank you’ to the folks who introduced me to the words ‘exhaustipated’ and ‘procrasturbate’. Sharp, witty, tightly plotted – and Buster from Arrested Development! Perfect.


I’ve always loved a good spy story, and it’s refreshing to see a woman taking the lead in one for once. Even if she’s mentally ill.

Sons of Anarchy

I’ll admit I started watching this because I am a Liz Segal fan (Futurama!). This show is more opera than outlaw western, but I could stare at Charlie Hunnam all day (only when his hair is short, though).


I’m not sure what it is about Timothy Olyphant and hats, but he is only sexy in a cowboy hat and he is great in this role. The introduction of Margo Martindale in Season 2 is near perfection.

We loved Homeland and are eagerly anticipating the next series. A big thank you to Karin for her top five. There are some here we haven’t watched and they’re now at the top of our box-set list!

Hear more from Karin Slaughter on her official facebook page and website.

Let us know your thoughts on Karin’s choices in the comments below.

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