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Lee Child talks High Heat

A new Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child is something to mark in the calendar with a big red circle. So when we found out there were going to be two new books from Lee Child this year we did a happy dance, punched the air and immediately ordered both!

This month High Heat was published, a novella featuring a teenage Jack Reacher. A teenage Jack Reacher, we hear you cry. Indeed. And he’s just as implacable as his future self. Here’s the crime writing legend himself talking to dead good about his new novella, High Heat.

About High Heat:

July 1977. Jack Reacher is almost seventeen, and he stops in New York on his way from South Korea to visit his brother at West Point. The summer heat is suffocating, fires are raging in the Bronx, the city is bankrupt, and the mad gunman known as Son of Sam is still on the loose.

Reacher meets a woman with a problem, and agrees to help her… and then the power grid fails and the lights go out, plunging the lawless city that never sleeps into chaos. What does a visiting teenager do in the dark? If that visiting teenager is Jack Reacher, the answer is: plenty.

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