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Why we love the Baker Street boys

Why do we love the Baker Street boys? This may seem like a question that doesn’t need an answer, but we thought we’d provide one anyway – especially as we could probably fill several notebooks alone simply with considerations of Benedict Cumberbatch’s finer features.

This may just be an excuse to post a lot of photos from Sherlock – we’re not quite sure yet…

1. Every photo is golden

We had to get this out of the way from the start. This is 100% true. A big thank you to the BBC’s Facebook page for continually feeding our addiction. This is a behind-the-scenes shot from The Sign of Three.

2. The language barrier

Let’s face it – sometimes the things Sherlock comes out with completely baffle us but Watson is always there to cut through the chaff and get to the real point of things.

3. Theatricality

No ones makes an entrance like Sherlock… no one really does anything quite like Sherlock! The same applies for his best man speech at John Watson’s Wedding – he made us laugh, he made us cry, he played the violin AND he caught a murderer. That’s class.

4. Bromance

Let’s face it – there’s real love there. The only person to plague Sherlock’s conscience whilst he was away was Watson. Series 3 has had the most endearing scenes of friendship between the two, our favourite was when Watson told Sherlock he was his best friend. By the look of surprise on Sherlock’s face it was something he wasn’t expecting. Lovely.

5. Mrs Hudson

Was there ever a landlady as perfect as Mrs Hudson? The tea appears in the morning before Sherlock even wakes up! There’s much hilarity to be had in their relationship – his unearthly brain is often brought back down with a thump by Mrs Hudson. Plus the hints about her horrible dead ex-husband just makes us love her more!

6. The best one-liners.

Those writers have worked magic. Never in one show have there been so many lines that could easily make their way onto various types of merchandise. This is classic Sherlock and it’s why we love him!

1 Comment

    This Is the best entertainment ever shown on television ever. Great acting by Benedict and Martin, they really bounce off each other; Sherlock’s fine wit and banter (what a big tease he is, lol) is a huge factor in achieving the constant humour. The plot is always enthralling and acted out and one is never left with unexplained loose threads at the end. One of my favourite bits of the drama is when Sherlock goes into one of his instant character/personalty assessments, weighing up a person’s occupation, status, wealth, health, relationship standing, bad habits etc, spotting clues no other person would ever pick up on – fantastic! Bravo Mr Holmes!

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