The best summer readingExplore now

Our recommended summer 2024 crime fiction Explore now

What will DCI Black discover?

The next instalment of #ChooseThePlot is here!

At the end of the first chapter, penned by Christopher Fowler, someone met a very sticky end. But was it Jake, or was it Alessandro?

Well, YOU have spoken and we can now reveal that the man lying in two pieces on the floor of the restaurant is none other than its owner Jake – the former lover of Ian’s murdered ex-wife.

Intrigued as to what happens next? You should be, because you get to decide!

The story so far:

Ian is the prime suspect for the murders of his ex-wife and her lover, Jake. Local Mafioso Alessandro and his henchman appear to have masterminded both crimes and Ian’s ex-colleague Golden is next on their hit list.

Having tracked Ian down, the pair offer an ultimatum: help them find Golden, or pay the ultimate price. Hot on their heels, DCI Black arrives at the scene…

Head over to the Specsavers website now to read the next chapter, ‘A hard offer to refuse’, written by bestselling crime author James Oswald. Once you’re up to date on the story, make your choice and vote on the next crucial plot development!

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