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Nick Stone books in order

If you love action-packed, high-octane reads then Andy McNab’s series featuring tough ex-SAS trooper Nick Stone is the series for you.

Highly-trained, resourceful and ruthless, Nick Stone is hired by British Intelligence to undertake dangerous missions taking him all over the world.

Inspired by his own career as an SAS solider, McNab writers with a terror and truthfulness that compels each story through twists and turns fitting of the best action films, resulting in thrilling page turners you won’t be able to put down.

Andy McNab’s Nick Stone books in order:

Remote Control by Andy McNab

1. Remote Control (1997)

Tough, resourceful, ruthless – as an SAS trooper, Nick Stone was one of the best. Now he’s back on the streets. After a botched mission, the Regiment no longer want his services. But British Intelligence does – as a deniable operator. It’s the dirtiest job in a very, very dirty world.

In Washington DC, it’s about to get dirtier still. On the apparently routine tail of two terrorists, he discovers the bodies of an ex-SAS officer and his family. Soon he’s on the run with the lone survivor of the bloodbath – a seven-year-old girl. And whilst she can identify the killers, only Stone can keep them at bay – and solve a mystery whose genesis takes him back to the most notorious SAS mission in recent history…

Crisis Four by Andy McNab

2. Crisis Four (1999)

Nick Stone is highly trained. Clever, ruthless and very effective, it is no surprise that he is hired by British Intelligence. On deniable operations – one of the most dangerous lines of work.

Sarah Greenwood is beautiful, intelligent and cunning – and the only woman Stone has ever truly opened up to. But now he has been ordered to hunt her down.

Hotly pursued through the American wilderness, Stone finds himself at the centre of a deadly game of cat and mouse. He must get to the heart of a terrifying conspiracy theory to which only Sarah holds the key. But will he manage to before the tension reaches boiling point?

Firewall by Andy McNab

3. Firewall (2000)

Tough, resourceful and ruthless, Nick Stone is now working for British Intelligence on deniable operations. And is desperately in need of cash.

When he is offered a lucrative freelance job, Stone thinks his problems are over. All he needs to do is kidnap a Russian mafia warlord.

And so Stone is thrust into the grim underworld of Estonia, with unknown aggressors stalking the Arctic landscape. Russia has launched a cyber-espionage attack, hacking into the West’s most sensitive military secrets. Stone must stop them. But the mafia are waiting in the wings with their own chillingly brutal solution…

Last Light by Andy McNab

4. Last Light (2001)

Nick Stone has been assigned to carry out an officially-sanctioned assassination. When he realizes who the target is, he refuses. But he is then given a chilling ultimatum: fly to Central America and finish the job, or the eleven-year-old orphan in his care will get killed.

Stone arrives in sweltering Panama close to breaking point. His life is in pieces, but things only get worse when he finds himself caught at the centre of a lethal conspiracy involving Columbian guerrillas. Hundreds of innocent lives are at stake.

Their only chance of rescue is Stone. But he has a critically injured friend to rescue, miles of dense rainforest to navigate and the toughest decision of his life to make…

Liberation Day by Andy McNab

5. Liberation Day (2002)

If Nick Stone wasn’t so desperate for his American citizenship, he probably wouldn’t have agreed to do this one last job with the CIA. But Carrie is over there and he simply can’t refuse the chance of a new life with the woman he loves.

The job seems simple enough – and he is certainly skilled enough. Infiltrate the hostile, violent republic of Algeria, kill a money-laundering businessman, and bring back his severed head.

Stone knows there are some questions you don’t ask, but as events spin out of control he realizes there is vital information he hasn’t been told. Lurking beneath the glamorous exterior of the south of France is a dirty drugs war – and Stone is thrown into the middle of it. And there he is faced with his toughest dilemma yet…

Dark Winter by Andy McNab

6. Dark Winter (2003)

Agent Nick Stone expects his latest mission to be a straightforward part of the fight against Osama Bin Laden’s network of terror. Despatched to Malaysia, all he needs to do is assassinate a suspicious biochemist. But there are complications. Not least the attractive woman he is working alongside.

Target neutralised, Stone returns to the USA to find turmoil in his personal life. He is guardian to a teenage girl who is haunted by her traumatic past and attempting to numb it with a heavy drug dependency. Stone knows he is the only one who can help her but her scars run deeper than he thinks.

Before long, the conspiracy he has uncovered unravels to reveal a doomsday threat against the populations of New York, London and Berlin. And Stone faces the ultimate trade-off: the life of someone he loves, against those of millions he doesn’t even know.

Deep Black by Andy McNab

7. Deep Black (2004)

Nick Stone’s future looks bleak. The only person he’s ever loved is dead. The only people who might save him have turned their backs.

Until a chance encounter reunited him with a man whose life he saved ten years ago.

What seems a simple quest in Baghdad takes Stone into the heart of a chilling conspiracy, from violent Bosnia, through lightening-paced action in Iraq. But too late, he realizes that he is being used as bait to lure into the open a man he believes can offer some salvation. A man whom the darker forces of the West will stop at nothing to destroy.

Aggressor by Andy McNab

8. Aggressor (2005)

Nick Stone seems to be living his dream, not a care in the world as he steers his camper van round the surfing and parachuting paradise of Australia, a board on the roof, a freefall rig behind him, and a beautiful young backpacker at his side.

But when he sees a news report of the massacre of women and children in a terrorist outrage the other side of the world, long-suppressed memories are triggered, and Nick knows he must risk everything to repay a longstanding debt of friendship.

As events unfold in the bleak, medieval villages of Georgia and teeming streets of modern Istanbul, Nick finds himself catapulted once more into the murky, clandestine world he thought he’d left behind – a world in the grip of nameless enemies who linger in the shadows and stalk the corridors of power.

Recoil by Andy McNab

9. Recoil (2006)

Nick Stone is recuperating in Switzerland. His latest mission cost the life of one of his closest friends. And the woman he went to bed with last night has left without saying goodbye.

When she fails to reappear, Stone begins his quest to find her. Once in Africa and in the heart of a very dirty Congo war, it isn’t long before the past comes knocking on the door. One bloody twist leads to another and Stone finds himself catapulted into the dark, brutal world he thought he’s managed to leave behind.

Crossfire by Andy McNab

10. Crossfire (2007)

Nick Stone is bodyguarding a TV crew on the streets of war-torn Basra. He seems certain to die when insurgent gunmen attack. Only a reporter’s swift action saves his life.

When the reporter vanishes within hours, presumed kidnapped, Stone is asked by the Intelligence Service to find him. The trail leads from Iraq to London, Dublin, and Kabul – the brutal city where governments, terrorism and big business collide.

Caught in the crossfire, Stone’s nightmare is only just beginning – for the hunter has suddenly become the hunter.

Brute Force by Andy McNab

11. Brute Force (2008)

A cargo ship is apprehended by the authorities off the coast of Spain, loaded to the gunwales with enough arms and ammunition to start a war. Twenty years later, an unknown aggressor seems intent on eradicating those responsible for the treachery, one by one. The last victim was brutally tortured with a Black & Decker drill, then shot through the head. And Nick Stone is next on the killer’s list.

In his most daunting mission yet, Nick Stone must find a man who shared that past, and who may know more about the present threat than he is prepared to reveal. As the two find themselves pursued across sea and desert, they become ever more enmeshed in a deadly network of betrayal, to which Stone himself unwittingly holds the key. And in a final confrontation that echoes his worst nightmares, only he can stop the unthinkable and save the lives of those he holds most dear.

Exit Wound by Andy McNab

12. Exit Wound (2009)

Three tons of Saddam Hussein’s gold in an unguarded warehouse in Dubai. For two of Nick Stone’s closest ex-SAS comrades, it should have been the perfect, victimless crime.

But when the robbery goes devastatingly wrong, only Stone can identify his friends’ killer and track him down.

Stone’s quest for revenge becomes a terrifying journey to the heart of a chilling conspiracy, to which he and a beautiful Russian investigative journalist unwittingly hold the key.

Zero Hour by Andy McNab

13. Zero Hour (2010)

When the beautiful twenty-year-old daughter of a Moldovan businessman goes missing from her university, British Intelligence is unusually interested in her safe return. They will do anything in their power to track her down.

Only one man is skilled and ruthless enough for the job – but for the first time in his life, Nick Stone doesn’t want to play ball…

Dead Centre by Andy McNab

14. Dead Centre (2011)

Somalia – a lawless, violent land, ignored by the West, ripped apart by civil war and famine, fought over by drug-fuelled, gun-crazy clan fighters. They want the world to sit up and take notice. They have a new and terrifying weapon – pirates.

And now, the pirates have in their possession the young son of a Russian oligarch, snatched from a luxury yacht in the Seychelles. His father wants him back, will pay anything, stop at nothing to retrieve his boy. Up to now everything he has tried has failed. He needs the one man with the know-how, the means and the guts to complete the mission: ex-SAS trouble-shooter Nick Stone…

Silencer by Andy McNab

15. Silencer (2013)

Nick Stone has always kept his job as ex-SAS troubleshooter at arms’ length from his home life. But when his son falls dangerously ill and the doctor who saves him comes under threat from an old adversary, it is no longer possible. Life just got very personal.

To stop his cover being terminally blown, he must follow a trail that begins in Triad-controlled Hong Kong. He is propelled back into the brutal world he thought he’d left behind. The forces ranged against him have guns, helicopters, private armies and a terrified population in their vice-like grip. Nick Stone has two decades of operational skills – but this time, that may not be enough.

For Valour by Andy McNab

16. For Valour (2014)

When a young trooper is shot dead at the SAS’s renowned Killing House, Nick Stone is uniquely qualified to investigate.

Less than forty-eight hours later, he finds himself in the telescopic sights of an assassin bent on protecting a secret that could strike at the heart of the establishment – the establishment that Stone has, in his own maverick fashion, spent most of his life fighting to protect.

Isolated and under perpetual threat, he is propelled across Europe in a desperate quest to uncover the truth behind a terrible chain of events that began with a young man haunted by the screams of his brutally murdered friend.

Detonator by Andy McNab

17. Detonator (2015)

Betrayed and left for dead high in the Alps, Nick Stone is in trouble. The blood on his hands tells of a head wound he can’t see and his foggy memory confirms it. He knows only one thing for certain – someone, somewhere wants to kill him. And they think they’ve succeeded.

Stone wants revenge, but the only person who can help him is a seven-year-old boy. Not much protection in the pursuit of a gang of faceless men who trade in human misery. But this run-of-the-mill close protection task is about to become Stone’s most personal mission yet.

Payback is top of Stone’s agenda. The fuse has been ignited – but who really holds the detonator?

Cold Blood by Andy McNab

18. Cold Blood (2016)

Nick Stone is suffering. The two people he cared for most are gone.

Desperate for the chance to escape his misery, Stone heads north at the summons of his old SAS officer. Five ex-servicemen, badly wounded in Afghanistan, need his back-up for a trek to the North Pole.

They meet at the world’s most northerly airport where the polar bear threat makes it illegal not to carry a gun. But it doesn’t take long for Stone and his men to discover that the most dangerous predators in this part of the world walk on two legs, not four.

The coldest war of all is just beginning and Stone needs to pick a side.

Line of Fire by Andy McNab

19. Line of Fire (2017)

Backed into a corner by a man he knows he cannot trust, Nick Stone strikes a devil’s bargain. In exchange for his own safety – a life for a life – Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn’t want to be found, currently hiding out in one of the remotest corners of the UK. And for the first time in a long time, he’s not operating alone.

But Stone and his team don’t find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head. Before he finally knows which way to turn, the choice is ripped out of his hands.

Most people might think of home as safety, but Nick Stone isn’t most people. For him and his team, it’s just another place to get caught in the line of fire…

Down to The Wire by Andy McNab

20. Down to the Wire (2022)

Despite being tasked with rescuing the daughter of one of America’s richest families from the grips of a sinister cult, Nick Stone expects his latest mission to be quick and straightforward. Travelling to the frozen depths of the Norway/Russia border, the dividing line between NATO and the Kremlin’s armed forces, it seems all he and his team need do is find the woman and deliver her home alive.

But Nick soon discovers himself at the heart of a chilling cyber conspiracy that threatens war with Russia and the very existence of the Western alliance. Then, a shocking diagnosis tells him his body is failing him fast. Can he save the world – and himself?

There you have it – Andy McNab’s Nick Stone books in order! How many have you read? Let us know in the comments below…

Books Like Andy McNab:


    I picked up Remote Control at an airport bookshop in the late 1990s and really enjoyed it. The later books have maintained a good standard, although the most recent few strayed into “alright I’m just bursting in the front door, no time to think” territory which was somewhat anathema to the early books where the focus was on slow planning and recce, and setting up situations where the risk of discovery or being killed is as low as possible. In the last couple of books, the protagonist Nick seems almost suicidal and takes much heavier risks.
    While I started out reading the paperbacks, I’ve listened to Paul Thornley’s narration of maybe the last 10 books in the series, and he’s done a great job.

    Listened to all books on audio and can’t wait for the next nick stone book, and the only person I love narrating them is Paul thornley has a calming voice not the same when someone else does it

    I have all of them and have read all of them – waiting for next one

    I have all 19 narrated by Paul Thornly. They are great, have them in ebook and audio

    Have read all the Nick Stone, and a few other McNab books, having also served 77 to 87 love the true dialogue spoken as seen on the ground.
    Great writer keep up the good work.

    Strange thing but I was given Silencer first on CD first and could not stand Paul Thornleys method of narration whilst reading but within 5 chapters found it could not stop listening, but the end of this book I was desperate to start at the beginning of the series and listen to them all.
    After listening via ITunes audio to mist iPod the books I found that one of them was only available narrated by another reader.
    2 mins in and I could not stand it! It was not the same so after searching different platforms I eventually found it on Audible by Paul Thornley so switched to Audible for the rest and all of my listening now.
    Andy Mcnab’s Nick Stone stories are a superb set of books and I will definitely be listening again.
    Some of the stories have real sadness with what happens to his close friends and family.
    Please write another regardless of his supposed age, do a prequel set of books if need be.

    Definitely my favourite author and have read all of his books- nick stone series being my favourite. Cannot wait for more!! I read the whole series again while waiting for next instalment. Never get sick of the stories!!

    This is the third time I have listened to them and they are still great. Only fault I have is they do not sound the same unless Paul Thornley is narrating them. In my opinion

    Read everyone some of them twice. Waiting for the next one, will buy as soon as I can.

    Please another Nick Stone but somehow bring some love back into his life maybe his wife and child.

    Just on Nick Stone to read, also read most of his other books, great Author.

    got all nick stone and most of the others
    brill read

    Ive read all of them great books can’t wait for one

    Read a few of theae years ago, but Blbeen listening to these on Audible (although slightly out of order due to skipping the ones I read and then deciding to listen to them again anyway) and I love this series. It feels very real and the descriptions of events are really immersive. Also, Paul Thornley who narrates the books is fantastic and brings the stories to life. I think Firewall might be the standout book in the series, but then again there aren’t any bad books in my opinion. I hope that there is at least one more, but the problem now is that Nick Stone will be cracking on 60 as of the last book so might be time for him to hang up his Timberland’s and day sack!

    Love the humour mixed with some interesting facts&excellent storylines,I,m a bit worried about Bones advance in years-must be getting on a bit now.

    Read them all over the years and am sorely tempted to read them all again. Love the way mr McNab writes, the gritty realism makes me tear through the pages to see what happens next every time. The wait for the next book is unbearable..

    Listened to them all while at work… absolutely loved them all so far, have just started “whatever it takes” it isn’t a nick stone book but a stand alone Andy McNabb books and still great after just a few chapters.
    Paul Thornley at his very best as usual, such a great voice/accent actor ?

    All of them. I listen on Audible and Paul Thornley is an excellent narrator who brings these books to life. His accents are brilliant. With him reading all of these books, he has become the voice of Nick Stone to me.

    All except the last which I have bought already love the series

    Started with Book 19 by accident and found it a great read, so started from the beginning and up to Book 7. I usually read 1 book a year, I’ve read 7 of this series in 7 months!! Short chapters work well with me. When I think I’ve discovered the formula, the plot changes again.

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